Workbench: Background and Workbench Jobs - Introduction
Workbench provides the ability to execute jobs which run in the background, next to the main R session. There are two different types of jobs:
- Background jobs
- Workbench jobs
While both sound similar, they are different in how and where the code is executed. Background jobs run on the same machine as the current R session, while workbench jobs may run on a different machine. The “may” here is intentional as it depends on whether your infrastructure and Workbench installation provides the option to access other nodes.
Workbench - On-Premise
When running Workbench on premises, i.e., on a single static machine within your environment, you can look at background and workbench jobs as if they were the same. All jobs send to either of them will be executed on the same machine as your current R session is running. If your Workbench instance is running containerized (which is the case when cynkra deployed it), it will run in the same container.
Workbench - Kubernetes
When running on Kubernetes, the Workbench launcher can launch jobs in isolated pods (~=containers), which can possibly be run on a different machine. What is definitely the case is that these jobs run fully independent of your main R session or the Workbench installation itself. The big advantage of this approach is that if the job crashed or become a memory leak, it will not affect your and other people’s R sessions.
Programmatic Job Submission
Jobs can be submitted via the built-in GUI interface in Workbench or programmatically via the {rstudioapi} R package. The following example shows how to submit a job programmatically which would run a file named test.R
in a user’s home directory and requests 1 CPU and 500 MB of memory.
cluster = "Kubernetes",
# using arguments 'exe' and 'args' in `launcherSubmitJob()` somehow errors
command = "/bin/bash -c 'cd ~ && R --slave --no-save --no-restore -f ~/test.R'",
resourceLimits = list(launcherResourceLimit(c("cpuCount"), c("1")),
launcherResourceLimit(c("memory"), c("500"))),
container = launcherContainer("rocker/r-ver:4.2.1")